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To help the victims of Rana Plaza is still important and possbile with contribution. Victims receive direct support with food subsidies, in- and outpatients medical assistance, financial aid for young monthers and orphans. To be in direct communication with the victims is essential and much appreciated. 

Ongoing support is needed, either for post-medical treatment, physiotherapy, continous counselling and advice on work rehabilitation as most of the traumatised victims do not wish to return to a factory. The victims are personally known to me and to my team. Support for the ex-garment workers started one year ago and is continuing with monthly food supplement, health care, PTSD trauma therapy, literacy classes, education and other compoments for a group of young mothers, a group of oprhans and other vicitms. Additional components are in planning for 2015.  

We sincerely thank each contributor

Meena e.V.
